“Keeping the factory lights on during the epidemic season”

“Keeping the factory lights on during the epidemic season”

With Chau Au Nam, it is the effort and determination of both the Group and its partners. Securing the factory to maintain production during the pandemic not only solves the survival problem of an enterprise but also contributes to stabilizing the national economy.

“Good news from far away”, businesses welcome many new orders

The 4th COVID-19 epidemic broke out quickly and became increasingly dangerous, forcing many localities to apply social distancing measures according to Directive No. 16 of the Prime Minister. This severely affects thousands and millions of business households and businesses across the country.

According to statistics from the Department of Business Registration Management, in the first 6 months of 2021, the number of businesses withdrawing from the market was 70,209 businesses, an increase of 24.9% over the same period last year.

While many businesses have to close, temporarily stop production and business, or even go bankrupt or dissolve, the concrete pile factories of Chau Au Nam Company are still lit day and night, with workers divided into 3 groups. Rotating working shifts, both ensuring compliance with disease prevention regulations and ensuring the business plan has been approved from the beginning of 2021.

“Up to now, the company’s export revenue has begun to decline due to the complicated epidemic situation. Some localities are applying social distancing measures according to Directive 16, making delivery difficult. However, Chau Au Nam’s concrete pile factories still have their lights on day and night, maintaining production to meet the planned number of orders,” said Mr. Pham Van Nghi, Chairman of Chau Au Nam Company.

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It is known that Chau Au Nam Company has 5 factories specializing in the production of concrete culvert components with a scale of 20 hectares. Although regions are implementing social distancing according to Directive 16, production activities at Chau Au Nam’s factory are still maintained thanks to the full implementation of epidemic prevention measures.

Most businesses said that the Covid-19 epidemic has affected customer access, disrupted the supply chain, caused revenue to drop sharply, many workers quit, making business operations extremely difficult. Staying afloat during the epidemic season is difficult, and thinking about growth is even more difficult, but recently, Chau Au Nam Company has continuously signed many new orders, a market that is not in a favorable market share of the Company.

“Chau Au Nam’s products have arrived in Binh Dinh and Quy Nhon. After completing the Hai Giang Merry Land project of Hung Thinh, “good news spread far and wide”, many investors proactively contacted Chau Au Nam, then we signed 2 large projects at once in Quy Nhon. Nhon, this shows the quality and reputation of Chau Au Nam’s products, more and more customers know and come to cooperate with us”, Mr. Nghi excitedly shared.

Continuing to choose to conquer projects with complex nature and high technical requirements, Chau Au Nam is currently providing concrete pile products for a series of large projects such as the Nghi Son Port project, power project wind in Gia Lai, implementing Ecopark’s project…

In addition, Chau Au Nam’s concrete pile export segment also recorded positive results. After the first export order to Taiwan worth more than 2.5 million USD signed on February 1, 2021, Chau Au Nam has exported 3 orders to Taiwan with a total value of more than 10 million USD.

Currently, the Company is in the process of negotiating the next export orders to the Bangladesh and Korean markets. Initial information shows that the parties involved in the negotiations are very willing and have reached agreements most specific.

Determined to stabilize production and grow in the middle of the epidemic season

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So what has helped Chau Au Nam maintain its pace of development in today’s extremely difficult objective conditions?

Through a quick online conversation with one of the key leaders of Chau Au Nam Company, we learned that Chau Au Nam’s success today mainly comes from 3 factors quality, Outstanding quality, competitive prices and quality service, and A-class people.

In particular, the quality of concrete structures is a prerequisite and also a strong point of Chau Au Nam thanks to abundant and quality material sources; The most modern equipment and technology lines in Vietnam, with high automation capabilities. The production process is operated by a team of staff with many years of experience, enthusiasm, passion, and responsibility for the profession.

In terms of price, Chau Au Nam said that thanks to the companionship and trust over many years of cooperation, partners providing input materials have trusted and agreed to implement price adjustment agreements to the lowest level. Reasonable in the context of raw material prices on the market tends to increase sharply. Therefore, Chau Au Nam company still retains its competitive advantage, exporting many large value orders in the context of the pandemic covering many negative impacts on the overall operation of the market.

Regarding the human factor, in addition to selecting personnel with many years of experience and dedication to the profession, Chau Au Nam always focuses on building a friendly business image, truly a partner and companion, sharing worries, always thinking with customers to best solve all problems, bringing results that exceed customers’ expectations.

In addition to the factors mentioned above, in order to maintain operations while the country is implementing disease prevention work, many localities apply social distancing measures, and businesses are forced to adapt to business conditions and Chau Au Nam company is no exception.

Grasping the situation, this business immediately changed. Thanks to the advantage of having a diverse business ecosystem, Chau Au Nam’s customer and information fund is very large, so the Company easily converted to online working. All work is currently exchanged, discussed, and directed online, while production activities at factories are still maintained. Even meeting partners and customers is now conducted through social networking platforms and brings about the same efficiency as the previous traditional working form, while also reducing many costs and saving money. time, while ensuring epidemic prevention regulations, keeping partners, yourself, your family, and the community safe.

“We immediately changed and adapted to the new situation, not only thoroughly implementing this spirit in the entire Chau Au Nam’s team, but also throughout the Group, not only within the company but also to customers and partners. The Board of Directors sets goals and is always aware that even during the epidemic season we still have to grow, we always prepare adaptive solutions… the people of Chau Au Nam are like that”, the Chairman of Chau Au Nam Company said proudly.

This leader also revealed that Chau Au Nam’s goal of maintaining stability and growth during the epidemic season will be achieved through efforts to reduce input raw material costs, thereby reducing costs so that products can be more affordable and can reach far into areas less affected by the epidemic and do a good job of controlling the epidemic.

However, like many other businesses, Chau Au Nam calls on businesses and people to join hands, uphold the spirit of epidemic prevention to control the epidemic as quickly as possible and bring the production rhythm of said units to life. As well as the people’s living rhythm returning to normal, the economy is recovering and developing.

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